Dyslexia Awareness Month
Dyslexia Awareness month and the school holidays coincide in South Australia, and many of the other states, the perfect time to get your kids active and become aware of how hard it can be to learn to read and spell when you have dyslexia.
Each State has its own Rocks community on Facebook, search SA Rocks, NSW Rocks, Vic Rocks, WA Rocks, QLD Rocks, ACT Rocks, TAS Rocks, NT Rocks
Get your kids painting rocks or searching for rocks that have already been painted. To find out more, read below.
What is Dyslexia Awareness month?
Dyslexia Month is an annual event to raise awareness of dyslexia. Every year we produce resources and share information with teachers, employers and the general public to highlight a different dyslexia-related theme. Dyslexia Month 2023 will run from 1 October – 31 October, with this year’s theme, ‘Stronger Together’ as when we work together, we can achieve anything. Many schools in Australia will celebrate it when school returns in Term 4.
What is SA Rocks?
SA Rocks is a nature play-based free activity that anyone can join. A giant game of hide and seek, for kids and adults alike! Get the kids active as they paint and then actively walk as they hide their rocks, or notice their environment as they search for others. They might just find some painted rocks if they are lucky.
Want to paint a rock?
Easy! All it takes is a little bit of creativity, decorating a rock, a coat of sealant and you are good to go! Here are some tips:
- Use unpolished clean dry rocks. Natural river stones are perfect. Glass and ceramic ones are not advisable as they can shatter when dropped resulting in injury.
- Acrylic paints & permanent markers work best.
- Rocks must be sealed prior to release so they hold up to the elements.
- Please make sure you write “SA ROCKS” and the [f] Facebook symbol on the back and seal it so people know what to do with their discovery and how to join in!
- Pop your postcode on the rock so people can see how far it has travelled!
Found a rock?
- If you’re lucky enough to find a rock make sure you share your find with the SA Rocks community by posting it on their Facebook page. Then you can either;
- Rehide it. You can do this at the same location or move it elsewhere. Be sure to let us know you’ve found it and repost the new location INCLUDING SUBURB on this page when hidden OR
- Keep it. Leave a comment on the ‘hide’ post advising it’s no longer there and be sure to keep the wild rock population thriving by hiding your own painted rock somewhere else.
Bringing the local community together, one rock at a time! What a perfect time to help people become aware of dyslexia! #SArocks, #nswrocks, #vicrocks, #warocks, #qldrocks, #actrocks, #tasrocks, #ntrocks #auspeld #CodeRead #speldsa #speldnsw #DSF #speldvic #speldqld #dyslexiaawareness #dyslexia